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Kyu is a Japanese term used in modern martial arts, and is used to designate various grades of proficiency or experience in the student ranks. In Renbukan karate, each Kyu grade is represented by the color of the students belt. Generally the darker colors are associated with the higher ranks, and the brighter colors are the lower ranks.

Dan is another ranking system (no not Dan your mate from down the road) is used in many Japanese martial arts to indicate the level of expertise of those holders of black belts or master ranks.




The entry level belt for beginners. Each new member recieves a plain white belt which is called the 10th Kyu. Welcome to the world of Martial Arts!



Once you quickly master that level and move closer to being the ultimate fighting warrior, you'll hit the 5th Kyu rank and recieve a Green Belt with a white stripe. Ok you're now past the half way point and hit the 4th Kyu and recieve your completely green belt, and you didn't even break a sweat! 



The 3rd Kyu is just a rage punch away, and now you can wear the brown belt with the white stripes.
You so close young Jedi! The completely Brown belt is consider just 1 levels below Black belt rank at the 2nd Kyu. Not far to go now.



Don't get too comfortable with that yellow belt, as once you start improving your skills you can then move to the 7th Kyu rank, and recieve you new orange belt with a white stripe.
You so close to halfway, don't stop now! Moving onto the 6th Kyu you'll be donning a completely orange Belt.



Once you move up the ranks, to the next level (9th Kyu) you'll be rewarded with the Yellow belt with a White stripe. Your on your way Bruce Lee!
Once you progress to the 3rd rank (8th Kyu) you'll be rewarded with a completely yellow belt. 



Your a full on Ninja Warrior!! You're now 1st Kyu - A hardcore black belt holder. You did it. Or did you?
Little did you know, there is also 10 levels in Black Belts to master, and each rank is call a 'Dan.'

So who is Dan?
There are 10 Dan ranks in the Japanese Arts, which are considered 'master ranks.' 


1st Dan - Shodan

2nd Dan - Nidan

3rd Dan - Sandan

4th Dan - Yodan

5th Dan - Godan

6th Dan - Rokudan

7th Dan - Shichidan

8th Dan - Hachidan

9th Dan - Kudan

10th Dan - JÅ«dan

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